About Teresa

Teresa Bigelow is an international public relations consultant and communications strategist specializing in culture, entertainment, lifestyle, innovation and health — particularly, psychedelic medicine and wellness.  She founded Spiral5 to collaborate with and develop future PR talent.

Teresa has worked with dozens of companies and individuals across the U.S., Europe and South Asia.  Combining creative insight and big-picture vision with practical strategies, Teresa has put small startups on the map and augmented multi-faceted growth for global media companies. She also has a knack for helping subversive artistry and communities find an authentic voice in the mainstream.

Teresa has been featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, and was recognized as a 2018 PR News Rising Star 30 and Under.

When she gets around to writing her own articles, she enjoys overanalyzing subjects like the nuances of sexual desire and raising capital with a triple bottom line.


- client meets world -